sobota 5. října 2024

Digimorph 1.5

 Linda Audio releases Digimorph 1.5 - update of experimental digital synthesizer. It does not emulate any real hardware, instead it brings original combination of substractive and additive synthesis with powerful modulation matrix. On top of that there are quality master fx (chorus, delay, reverb and two saturations) and arpeggiator. Digimorph is capable of wide range of sounds from ethereal evolving pads to gritty chiptune leads, raw digital basses or synth arpeggios, beatiful organs or some fm-like sounds. There is over 200 presets included, covering all of these areas. Digimorph is great for modern electronic music, soundtracks, chiptunes, or anywhere where you need to add some original and interesting digital sounds.

 Update 1.5 brings Randomizer feature (simply press the Dice icon). It can affect all parameters of the synth or it can be dialed separately for each synth section - oscillator and harmonics parameters, envelopes and lfos, modulation matrix, arpeggiator, master fx, . The amount of randomization can be adjusted. Randomizer is super useful for some wild sfx when applied fully, or it can add some interesting variations to included presets when applied just subtle. Also randomization of only one synth section with various random ammount can produce interesting and inspiring results.

There is also included additional low-pass filter in master fx section which can tame some high frequency artifacts and can be set to 12 or 24 dB/octave.

There is a subtle change in pulse-width modulation behavior - it can now go down to zero. Also when pulse-width is set to zero and oscillator shape is square, there can still be applied ring modulation which results in secondary sin or saw shape oscillation (depending on Ring mod shape) and produces some interesting timbres.

35 new presets are added.

And this update includes some minor bug fixes.

If you like and use Digimorph, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


Digimorph 1.5.0 VST2 64bit

Digimorph 1.5.0 VST2 32bit

Here is a demo of Digimorph 


středa 22. května 2024


Linda Audio releases Digimorph - experimental digital synthesizer. It does not emulate any real hardware, instead it brings original combination of substractive and additive synthesis with powerful modulation matrix. On top of that there are quality master fx (chorus, delay, reverb and two saturations) and arpeggiator. Digimorph is capable of wide range of sounds from ethereal evolving pads to gritty chiptune leads, raw digital basses or synth arpeggios, beatiful organs or some fm-like sounds. There are 200 presets included, covering all of these areas. Digimorph is great for modern electronic music, soundtracks, chiptunes, or anywhere where you need to add some original and interesting digital sounds.

The core of Digimorph is additive non-band limited oscillator which can contain mix of 16 harmonics. Its shape can be sinus, triangle, pulse, saw and multi-pulse. This can be run in monophonic, polyphonic (max 16 voices) or live-arp mode. In live-arp mode presed notes are automatically generating arpeggio sequence.

Additive section (violet) allows to set gains of harmonics. Other parameters are Phase shift - adjusts phase offset added to harmonics, Harmonics slope - adjusts how fast harmonics decay or rise in time and Harmonics lfo - introduces modulation to harmonics gains.

Each oscillator has several classic parameters (yellow) such as amp, pitch, fine tune, pan, glide and spread (random spread of notes in panorama).

There are some more sound-character parameters (orange section). Pulse width adjusts pulse width for pulse, saw and multi-pulse shapes and can be applied in two different modes - classic and harmonic. Wave shaper introduces wave-folding by sine wave. And Ring mod adds ring modulation by sine or saw wave with adjustable speed (this can be free or locked to harmonics).

In gray section there are sound degradation parameters - Bit div is sample rate divider, Bit feed introduces feedback of samples reduced by Bit div and Pitch noise adds random pitch modulation with variable speed.

After each oscillator there is one multi-mode, state-variable resonant filter (red section) which can be continuously switched between low-pass, band-pass and hi-pass with adjustable frequency and resonance.

Each oscilator can be modulated by two ADSR envelopes (one for amp envelope and second for anything else) and two LFOs. It can be also modulated by note velocity, modwheel (can be switched to listen also to aftertouch controll) and arpeggiator. LFO's amp and speed can also be modulated by ADSR 2 and by modwheel. All available modulations can be set directly by sliders in the center of the Digimorph gui

Arpeggiator is a tempo synchronized step sequencer of maximum 16 steps. You can adjust sequence length, loop start and tempo. For each step you can adjust oscilator pitch, shape and modulation source. Modulation source can be interpolated. 

In Live-arp mode you can select from several sequence shapes. If Arp-on switch is engaged, shape and mod arpeggiator modulations are applied.

At the end of the sound generator chain there are several master fx (blue section). Available is Chorus, Ping-pong delay, Reverb and two distortion modules (DIST1 adds more subtle harmonic distortion while DIST2 applies tube saturation).

Digimorph also provides undo, redo, A/B and 200 presets.

If you like and use Digimorph, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


Digimorph 1.0.0 VST2 64bit

Digimorph 1.0.0 VST2 32bit

Here is a demo of Digimorph 



sobota 21. října 2023


Linda Audio releases Hyperdrive - versatile saturation effect with advanced filtering and modulation features. It can add warm tube saturation to your drums or vocals, it can add some nice distortion to your bass guitar or add some nice auto-wah before guitar amp with integrated envelope follower, or you can turn it into screaming modulated synth filter.

The core of Hyperdrive are three distortion models - one diode and two tubes. You can adjust its drive and bias and engage additional gain boost. Distortion goes from really subtle saturation to rich screaming distortion especially with the Tube 2 selected. You can adjust input signal gain, output gain and mix of dry and wet signal.

In the center of the plugin interface there are three filters - hi pass, low pass and peak filter. Each with adjustable frequency and resonance, peak filter has also peak gain (can boost or take off selected frequencies). Each filter can be engaged before or after distortion stage by the pre/post switch.

On the left side of the plugin interface there is envelope follower with adjustable attack and release times and sensitivity, while on the right side is LFO. LFO can be synchronized with host tempo or free and you can select from four shapes - sinus, square, saw or reverse saw. Speed of the free LFO can also be modulated by envelope follower.

Both envelope follower and LFO can modulate filter frequencies, peak filter gain and distortion drive. This can really bring things to life.

Hyperdrive also provides undo, redo, A/B and 20 presets.

If you like and use Hyperdrive, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


Hyperdrive 1.0.0 VST2 64bit

Hzperdrive 1.0.0 VST2 32bit 

Hyperdrive 1.0.0 VST3 

Here is a demo of Hyperdrive

úterý 5. září 2023


  Linda Audio releases Stargazer - hybrid delay/reverb with shimmer grain generator. The unique effect that can transform any sound to the ethereal shimmering soundscape, string-like or organ-like ensemble (like other shimmer reverbs) but its capabilities are wider. Stargazer is fantastic tool for any ambient music, but it is great also for many other genres and use cases. It works great with guitars as well as with synths or it can be used for some unique sfx design.

 Stargazer is a bit different than traditional shimmer reverb design. It is composed of network of delays, each of these delay lines generates short pitch-shifted grains of sound and these grains are fed back to the delay network. The delay network is scalable from two to thirteen delay lines. With two or three lines the delay effect is very pronounced and delay taps are clearly noticeable, but with thirteen delays the sound has great density and smoothness. Delays have customizable time (size), predelay and feedback, damping filter control, hi pass filter and stereo width. The sound can be also modulated with chorus effect and there is one other special modulation called Organize - this filters and modulates input in a way that makes sound character more like pipe organ (and it has choice of two different modes). Grain generator is also customizable, you can adjust grain size, feedback of pitch-shifted signal and its mix with normal signal, you can select if pitch will be shifted octave up or down and select if the attack (build-up) of pitched signal will be fast or slower. Of course global dry and wet control is included. Stargazer also provides undo, redo, A/B and 15 presets.

 If you like and use Stargazer, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


Patch 1.0.1 

- fixed some issues with VST3 preset management

- fixed issues with Organize control in some hosts - now goes linear from 0 to 100% and precedes wet control.

Stargazer 1.0.1 VST2 64bit

Stargazer 1.0.1 VST2 32bit 

Stargazer 1.0.1 VST3


Initial release 1.0.0

Stargazer 1.0.0 VST2 64bit

Stargazer 1.0.0 VST2 32bit 

Stargazer 1.0.0 VST3 

Here is a demo of Stargazer on guitar

sobota 3. června 2023


 Linda Audio releases InstaVibe - creative audio effect which can bring several kinds of modulation and distortion to your tracks. InstaVibe does not model any real hardware but it can be used for effects sonically similar to tape cassette (but it's not limited to). 

InstaVibe includes four effect sections:


  • Tube distortion
  • Subtle harmonic enhancer


  • 3 profiles, each with a slightly different curve
  • Modes B and C add some additional distortion
  • Can also be turned off
  • LF and HF boost (resonance)
  • Age parameter (narrowing the EQ)


  • 5 different types of noise - 2 audio cassettes, 2 vinyl records, and brown noise
  • Possibility of dynamically controlling the noise level with the input signal
  • Adjustable noise pitch


  • Wow and scratch fluctuation
  • Adjustable stereo modulation width
  • Quad chorus with adjustable delay

InstaVibe also features Undo, Redo, A/B and 15 presets


 If you like and use InstaVibe, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


InstaVibe 1.0.0 VST2 64bit

InstaVibe 1.0.0 VST2 32bit 

InstaVibe 1.0.0 VST3 

Here is a demo of InstaVibe on different instruments

středa 26. dubna 2023



Linda Audio releases SuperCrunch - great sounding and straight-forward guitar amp plugin. SuperCrunch does not model any real hardware but it is capable of very natural sound of classic tube amplifier. Its range is from sparkling clean sound through gentle and not so gentle crunch tones to wild rock and metal distortion. There are controls for input and output gain, drive gain and bright and there is a choice of two channels - crunch and lead. You can also blend in the clean signal. The very important part of this amp is the 8-band graphic equalizer which is engaged before the tube stages which allows very wide shaping of the distortion character. It can be also gain-compensated. On top of that there is also cabinet simulation which can be switched off and consists of two phase aligned impulse responses between which you can continuously blend. Finally, gate with adjustable threshold is also available.


 If you like and use SuperCrunch, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


SuperCrunch 1.0.0 VST2 64bit

SuperCrunch 1.0.0 VST2 32bit 

SuperCrunch 1.0.0 VST3 

Here is short demo song featuring SuperCrunch on guitars.

středa 5. dubna 2023



Linda Audio releases Fuzzy - versatile guitar fuzz distortion plugin with some extra features. Fuzzy does not model any real hardware but it is capable of wide spectrum of fuzz distorted sounds. Its range is from gentle fuzzy overdrive to complete rectifier mayhem. There are controls for input and output gain, boost gain and tone and there is a choice of two fuzz algorithms. On top of that there is also 8-band graphic equalizer with optional automatic gain compensation allowing radically change the overall sound. Finally, gate with adjustable threshold is also available.

 If you like and use Fuzzy, please support its future development as well as development of my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



Below are download links:


Fuzzy 1.0.0 VST2 64bit

Fuzzy 1.0.0 VST2 32bit 

Fuzzy 1.0.0 VST3 64bit